I spend a lot of time troubleshooting entities. Too much time. They keep going “unavailable”. I can ping each one and pull up the Tasmota web page. I have my home assistant on a Proxmox Virtual Server, before that I had HA on a Rasberry Pi until the SD card became corrupt. All my devices are on there own subnet. Is there something in my basic topology that will cause issues? In other words, should I have HA on it’s own subnet (like I have) with it’s own dedicated machine (other than Rasberry Pi) and not a virtual server?
Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.
Is the recommendation a non virtual machine, dedicated to Home Assistant? Can someone comment on this and perhaps why the entities keep going into “unavailable”?
I’m having the same issue, I’m using the generic x86-64 Home Assistant OS in a HP Elitedesk 800 G2 mini Intel i5, after the installation of Home Assistant it discovered all my equipment’s and everything was working perfectly, but 1 hour later all entities went off or unavailable and they stayed that way permanently, don’t know what is the problem!?
Can you log into each device via the Tasmota web page? If so check the console and see if the device is connecting to Home Assistant. When this happens to me I found re-inputing the MQTT password seems to clear up the issue. It doesn’t stop the entities from dropping off but it’s a solution that gets them re-engaged. I still have issues with some of the entities going off line but not as much as before. It seems to occur more so during an HA update, so I plan my updates when I have a bit of time to work on any entity issues that might arrise. Hope this helps.
I’m curious what versions of HA you all are running?
I honestly think this is a problem being caused by newer HA versions. I have a couple of different integrations with WiFi connected devices and since more recent 2022 updates I seem to have a lot of problems with those devices going unavailable. It seems like there are a lot of problems going back to Python version upgrades that happened in HA that is causing a lot of add-ons to be having problems.