Entity Attribute "supported_features" value of 15 - how do I find out what these "supported_features" are and how to access them?

My curtain entities has an entity Attribute “supported_features” value of 15 - how do I find out what these “supported_features” are and how to access them?

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@Didgeridrew Thank you for your reply. I read the documentation at the link you provided. I indicates only 8 features. How do I find out what the other 7 features are? Thank you.

You don’t have 15 features…

… 15 is the result of a bitwise OR operation based on which of the features are supported by your device. Based on the doc linked above and the supported_features property definition for cover in the repo there are only 8 properties.

One way to “access them” (without learning more about bitwise logic :upside_down_face:) is to use a Device Action and look at the available action types. If there is an option like “Set position for Living Room Curtains” then you know your cover entity supports the CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION feature.

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Hmm…quite the rabbit hole. How is a newcomer supposed to make that leap?
The screen clip you posted is not on the page for the link you posted.
Where is that translation documented? Notice the base 10 number for current_position. Or is it base 10? Or some other translation? Who knows?
It is stuff like this that makes home assistant more like work than fun.
I know what bitwise logic is, I have degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science but
this platform is not like anything I have ever seen. The terminology and architecture are very “unique”
I do appreciate your answer though.

I don’t know that they are… the attribute is a small piece of data that rarely has any use for most users. Keep in mind that the attribute in question isn’t visible anywhere unless the user:

  1. Is an Admin
  2. Enables Advanced Mode
  3. Looks for it in the “Developer Tools”

It is on the page I posted in my first comment: Dev Docs - Cover Entity - Supported Features, right under the section title.

I believe it is as follows:


The range for position is 0-100 where 0 is fully closed and 100 is fully open. It is base 10.

Dev docs - Cover entity - Properties
Cover Integration - Services

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