Entity-controller component, setup

I am using this custom component.

I want to setup overrides that activate when something is off, instead of on. It seems like this is possible according to this: https://github.com/danobot/entity-controller#customising-state-strings

But i didn’t quite understand how, what exactly do i have to do?

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Did you ever figure this out? I’m trying to figure out the same and thought I’d ask before I go digging through the code.

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This does not appear possible within Entity Controller. The state strings to define On/Off are either Global or Control entities, Sensor entities, Override entities and State entities in general. It would be nice to be able to define the On/Off states for individual control entities. What I ended up doing for my Alexa command “Turn off My Bedroom” so that motion control would be disabled when I go to bed was to create another input boolean bedroom_motion_control which I turn on every day at sunrise. It’s included in My Bedroom so the command I issue then turns it off. I have an automation that is triggered by that input boolean changing state and if state=on it turns off the override boolean for entity controller’s bedroom_motion and if state=off turns on the override boolean for bedroom_motion, effectively reversing the action of the override from Alexa to Entity Controller.