Entity Filter Card (without using custom lovelace) for power consumption

Hi, Is it possible to use the entity filter card and show only the power plugs that are consuming (power state above zero)?

I know exist the excellent

but I use a lot HA Client and I think custom lovelace cards are not supported, so I wish to use the standard Lovelace card


ype: entity-filter
  - entity: switch.power_plug
    name: Bed

  - "on"

on is not good for me (if its on and is not consuiming it should not show

This makes no sense. All HA’s clients are browsers. Lovelace works on most browsers. Safari, Edge, Chrome, FireFox.

Ha Client, Android app

That’s just another glorified browser app, like iOS version. Have you tried the custom cards or are you making assumptions?

I do not think so, try it its the best android app.

Just tried the custom lovelace, is not working