Entity_id missing in automation actions after HA update

In Automation if I set action type: Call service then Service: light.turn_on
I cannot pick which light to turn on because the dropdown is missing:

I still can find this in automation.yaml it just disappeared from the GUI.
I haven’t checked it in the past few days so I’m not 100% sure it was there in the 0.111.3 but it was definietly there in 0.111.0 I think I have set up my test automation in that release.

Anyone else experiencing this? Or is there something wrong on my side?

FWIW, I’m using 0.111.4 and I see it the UI:

Screenshot from 2020-06-18 11-42-09

Try refreshing your browser page (Crtl+F5).

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Doesn’t help for me. :frowning:
I had issues with my SD card so I imaged it and restored it to a new one. I know it shouldn’t cause anything but maybe that is the cause on my side. But probably anything causes it is my fault.

Thank you!