Entity_id template in wait_for_trigger

Hello, I’m trying to create a reusable scene rotation automation. Roughly, when I toggle a rocker lightswitch (shelly) 1x, scene1 turns on, when I toggle the same light switch later 3x (each toggle within 3s span from each), scene3 turns on (Pressing 2x, pausing for 4s and pressing 1x should in the end result in turning on scene1).

I wanted to achieve this by setting up a script that takes the following parameters (fields):

  1. trigger_list (list of triggers that can turn on scenes for a given room)
  2. scene_list (list of scenes that are being triggered by repeatedly pressing triggers from the trigger_list)

I intend to call this generic script from room-specific automations.

I started by first testing various sub-components of the script, and it turns out I am unable to wait for repeated press of the parametrized trigger (entity_id).

Essentially, I need this to work:

  - trigger: state
    entity_id: {{ trigger_list }}
continue_on_timeout: false
  hours: 0
  minutes: 0
  seconds: 3
  milliseconds: 0

Taking aside the fact I’m probably handling lists wrong in entity_ids, I tried that with a single value and it still did not work. I assume that this is because the docs mention various things that can be templatized, but not entity_id. So I tried using wait_for_template, but here comes the trouble. My shelly fires a state_change event (and a shelly.click), but because the toggling value is meaningless to me, I want to react to arbitrary state changes (regardless of the actual value). Wait for template requires me to put in value and if I write something like

  - value_template: "{{ state('trigger_list ') is defined }}"
    trigger: template
  hours: 0
  minutes: 0
  seconds: 3
  milliseconds: 0
continue_on_timeout: false

it stops working completely (as opposed to using hardcoded entity_id).

So, the question I have is, how can I wait for an event from a specific device (passing in the device’s entity_id in a template) within a timeout to then trigger an action?

State triggers do not support templating at all…

The state function expects an entity ID, above you are using a static string "trigger_list "… remove the quote marks to use the variable trigger_list. However, I don’t think that will work at all for a list, nor do I think it will work as you expect with a single entity ID.

If all the switches post shelly.click events, you may have better luck using an Event trigger instead of continuing down the state-based trigger path.

Thanks for the reply, I feared as much. The thing is I wanted to react to events from multiple different switches/buttons in the room and no all are shelly. I think I’ll need to trigger a custom event and react to it instead.

Truthfully, I’m a little confused by the goal… why do the waiting triggers need to be able to accept any of an array of switches? Will anyone ever actually need to change it to scene2 then race across the room to another switch within 3 seconds and change it to scene3?

If that’s not actually required, the Wait triggers would be:

  - value_template: "{{ states(trigger.entity_id, 'on') }}"
    trigger: template
  hours: 0
  minutes: 0
  seconds: 3
  milliseconds: 0
continue_on_timeout: false
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So I’m a programmer and I figured I might have a better success explaining the requirements by code. Let me know if that helped, it’s a mix of javascript and pseudocode.

It’s the while (waitForTrigger(anyOf(triggers), cycleTimeout)) { part (or for (const trigger of triggers) { trigger.addEventListener() that’s causing me headaches in HA
(parametrizing triggers in waitForTrigger), but if anyone has a suggestion for an easier way to achieve such automation, I’ll gladly welcome it. I’m often thinking my approach to automations is too complicated and there must be an easier way…

 * Rotates scenes for a given room. When any trigger event is pressed for the first time (or outside the cycleTimeout), based on the current state of
 * the lights in a room, it either activates "all off" scene (first in the scenes array) when any of the lights in the room is already off, or activates the first
 * non-dark scene (second in the scenes array). Any subsequent trigger event performed within the cycleTimeout interval from the previous trigger event will cause
 * the current scene to switch to a next one in the scenes array.
 * Scenes are represented as scripts as opposed to actual scenes, because traversing between scenes flashes lights at certain conditions (reproducible HA bug).
 * @param scenes List of scenes. First is "turn off all lights" scene
 * @param triggers List of switches and buttons that can be used to turn the lights off/on or cycle scenes. 
 *      Interleaving events from different devices is not an expected scenario and if it happens,
 *      any behavior is fine as the users are expected to resolve the desired operation face to face.
 * @param cycleTimeout Time within which subsequent trigger events count as scene rotation. Emitting trigger events outside the time interval will count as a new start.
 * @param isAlreadyOn A function returning boolean indicating if the lights were already on or off at the start of interaction with the trigger device.
function cycleScenes(scenes, triggers, cycleTimeout, isAlreadyOn) {
    const incrementForBeingOff = isAlreadyOn() ? 0 : 1;

    // waitForTrigger waits for a given number of ms (timeout). if an event is received withing the timeout, it returns true. If no event is received during the timeout, it returns false.
    // anyOf triggers an event if any of the passed triggers emits an event.
    while (waitForTrigger(anyOf(triggers), cycleTimeout)) {

//call from automation
    [sceneAllOff, sceneBrightLight, sceneDinner, sceneMoviesNight],
    [triggerButtonNearFridge, triggerSwitchNearEntry, triggerButtonNextToCouch],
    () => states(light.allroomlights, 'on'));

// Alternatively, if I wanted to represent the situation with events:
function registerCycleScenes(scenes, triggers, cycleTimeout, isAlreadyOn) {
    let eventCounter = 0;
    let timeout = 0;

    function getIncrementForOffState() {
        return isAlreadyOn() ? 0 : 1;

    let listeners = [];
    for (const trigger of triggers) {
        const listener = trigger.addEventListener("event", function() {

            // When the time runs out, we reset the timer, representing ending a sequence of button presses to cycle scenes. 
            // The eventCounter gets set to 0 to indicate it is ready to start from the beginning and receive a new series of events.
            timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                eventCounter = 0;
                listeners = [];                
            }, cycleTimeout);

// call from automation
    [sceneAllOff, sceneBrightLight, sceneDinner, sceneMoviesNight],
    [triggerButtonNearFridge, triggerSwitchNearEntry, triggerButtonNextToCouch],
    () => states(light.allroomlights, 'on'));

Have you explored the feasibility of employing a script blueprint for your application? It may minimize some of the challenges you’re facing to create a single, parameter-driven script.

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Thanks for your idea, @123, I was putting off learning blueprints for a long time now, so I gave it a shot after your suggestion (I actually used an automation blueprint) and it allows everything I needed, including parametrizing triggers. Here’s my automation if anyone’s interested:

  name: Cycle Scenes
  description: Cycle scenes after a repeated button press
  domain: automation
      name: Lights to test
      description: Skip the first scene in a given list if this light is already turned off. You can use light group to check for all lights in a given room
      name: Light Switch
      description: Used to trigger scene rotation
      name: Scenes for day
      description: Ordered list of scene scripts to use during the day. First scene must represent turning off all lights.
          multiple: true
            - integration: script
      name: Scenes for night
      description: Ordered list of scene scripts to use during the night. First scene must represent turning off all lights.
          multiple: true
            - integration: script
triggers: !input light_switch
conditions: []
  - variables:
      lights_to_test: !input lights_to_test
      day_scenes: !input day_scene_list
      night_scenes: !input night_scene_list
  - variables:
      wasOff: "{{ 1 if is_state(lights_to_test, \"on\") else 0 }}"
      scenes: "{{day_scenes if now().replace(hour=7,minute=0) < now() and now() < now().replace(hour=20,minute=0) else night_scenes }}"
  - repeat:
        - action: "{{ scenes[(repeat.index-wasOff)%scenes|length] }}"
          data: {}
        - wait_for_trigger: !input light_switch
          continue_on_timeout: false
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 3
            milliseconds: 0
      while: []

It looks to me as the proper reusable way for automations are actually blueprints, not scripts.

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