I have some Tasmota plugs that I previously configured to control some equipment in my house so their entity Id was automatically generated and was, as example:
switch.stufa (stufa is italian name for “heater”)
and so on…
Today I changed all the names of my plugs to better manage them on the networks since I have 12 now but will be 24 in a couple of weeks, so changed their names in the Tasmota firmware webgui, as example I changed “stufa” to “computer”.
I removed all switches and sensors from home assistant dashboards, rebooted, and something messy is happening: the devices names are displaied with the new names, but the entity ids are still the old one. I rebooted different times, no changes.
Check the screenshots at the end of this message.
Since every plug expoxes at least 10 entities, and now I have 12 of them, I would like to avoid to manually change entity ids one by one. How to perform an “automatic” change? What I did wrong?
I had the same issue with other devices, but I solved it removing the swtiches and sensor in the dashboards and rebooting HA, but this time not worked for those tasmota plugs.