It’s not false. I’ve had it occur on two new brand new instances. One supervised, the other on a docker image where I had done nothing but change the single id. More than happy to demonstrate it.
Logger: homeassistant.components.recorder.entity_registry
Source: components/recorder/
integration: Recorder (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 13:44:44 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 13:46:47
Cannot migrate history for entity_id `sensor.cinema_window_voltage` to `sensor.cinema_window_voltage_foobar` because the new entity_id is already in use
Cannot migrate history for entity_id `sensor.cinema_window_voltage_foobar` to `sensor.cinema_window_voltage` because the new entity_id is already in use
The entity changes fine and keeps working and recording history though.
All good, if I’m understanding you correctly, when you say the recording history is working, is it registering the new ID and the log error is entirely false?
It does not bring the previous history to the newly named entity but the newly named entity does start logging it’s own history.
When I changed the entity id back to normal it got all its previous history back except there was a gap in the history when it was recording to the …foobar entity