Entity name display in UI

I’ve been researching how friendly names are generated for entities associated with devices. From what I understand, the friendly name typically combines the device name as a prefix to the entity name. For example, when using a Lovelace card like auto-entities to display a list of entities, this combined name is what gets shown.

The challenge is that in some cases, it’s helpful to include the device name as a prefix (e.g., when entities come from multiple devices, so you can distinguish between them). However, in other scenarios, prefixing the device name makes the friendly name unnecessarily long and repetitive, which clutters the UI and makes it look unappealing.

Does anyone have suggestions or best practices for handling entity naming to balance clarity and a clean user interface?

One idea would be to have an option on YAML cards to prune the device name off the friendly name. I don’t see any cards, like the auto-entity card, that have a way to do this.

Using a “name” option where you can write whatever you want.
In auto-entities - the same is achieved by using the “template” option.