Entity not available after move server

Hi guys,
I recently move my hassio (ha os) to a raspberry os. I restore my backup and everythink is working well and better.
I have just a problem, on notification I see these messages:

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

on logs:

Home Assistant Core
Setup failed for raspberry_pi: (DependencyError(…), ‘Could not setup dependencies: hassio’)
07:40:08 – (ERRORE) setup.py
Unable to set up dependencies of raspberry_pi. Setup failed for dependencies: hassio
07:40:08 – (ERRORE) setup.py
Setup failed for hassio: Integration failed to initialize.
07:39:55 – (ERRORE) setup.py
Missing SUPERVISOR environment variable
07:39:55 – (ERRORE) hassio

Home Assistant Core

Setup failed for raspberry_pi: (DependencyError(…), ‘Could not setup dependencies: hassio’)

07:40:08 – (ERRORE) setup.py

Unable to set up dependencies of raspberry_pi. Setup failed for dependencies: hassio

07:40:08 – (ERRORE) setup.py

I understand that is cause I move os so I’m wonder how to remove these annoying notification.
I’ve already tried to remove database without success.
any ideas?


FIXED: just removed hassio in the .storage directory

Hi guys, I have a similar error are migrating my HA installation from a Pi4 to Docker.

From the Dashboard:

From the logs:

I tried deleting the hassio file from the .storage directory but that didnt make any difference.

Can someone assist me please?