"Entity not available" forced rediscovery


I’ve got TP-Link HS110 power switch in my HA setup. When it is available it basically works fine. Problem is, that the power switch is in a corner of my apartment, which has very bad Wifi reception due to lots of eletronic devices near it. So sometimes HA simply loses the connection and disables the switch in my HA setup. That, to me is a minor problem, as HA rediscovers it after some time automagically.

The problem is, when I restart HA and the power switch is not reachable during the startup of HA, which causes a “Entity not available” and basically stays this way until I restart HA again and it is able to reach the switch again.

Is there a way to perform a rediscovery of a specific entity, without rebooting the whole HA instance and even if the entity wasn’t reachable during startup of the HA system?

Any advise is highly appreciated.