Entity_picture, recorder, logbook

Consider a sensor:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: testing_logbook_sensor_with_image
        state: >-
          {{ states('input_boolean.test_boolean') }}
        picture: >-
          {% if is_state('input_boolean.test_boolean','on') -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}

A logic is simple:

  • ON, orange image
  • OFF, blue image

What is stored in DB - 2 types of records inside “state_attributes”:

And here is a logbook:

type: logbook
  - binary_sensor.testing_logbook_sensor_with_image
hours_to_show: 1

Untitled Project

Seems that Logbook ignores “entity_picture” data from DB and uses the last value.
I recall a related discussion on Github after ~2022.6.
I wonder why Logbook cannot at least attempt to show an image based on a corresponding URL.

No feedback. registered in issue:

Compare with a custom:logbook-card:
