I have a binary sensor that already add to Xiaomi quara.
the sensor sent its state to my HA correctly ( I can see its state on my debug log of my HA ) but in my state of entity in my HA. It’s does not update. I don’t know y. pleas help?
this is my log of my HA
2019-03-05 21:53:42 DEBUG (Thread-25) [xiaomi_gateway] MCAST (report) << {'model': 'motion', 'data': '{"no_motion":"120"}', 'cmd': 'report', 'short_id': 7619, 'sid': '158d0002247fcf'}
2019-03-05 21:53:42 DEBUG (Thread-25) [xiaomi_gateway] MCAST (report) << {'model': 'motion', 'data': '{"no_motion":"120"}', 'cmd': 'report', 'short_id': 7619, 'sid': '158d0002247fcf'}
2019-03-05 21:53:45 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Platform cast not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.
2019-03-05 21:53:57 DEBUG (Thread-25) [xiaomi_gateway] MCAST (report) << {'model': 'motion', 'data': '{"status":"motion"}', 'cmd': 'report', 'short_id': 7619, 'sid': '158d0002247fcf'}
2019-03-05 21:53:57 DEBUG (Thread-25) [xiaomi_gateway] MCAST (report) << {'model': 'motion', 'data': '{"status":"motion"}', 'cmd': 'report', 'short_id': 7619, 'sid': '158d0002247fcf'}
I’ve just noted that I have this error log:
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity id already exists: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d00022480f9. Platform xiaomi_aqara does not generate unique IDs
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity id already exists: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0002247fcf. Platform xiaomi_aqara does not generate unique IDs
and binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0002247fcf
are the sensors that does not update their state in my HA.
this is my screen of entities state: