Entity State kWh

Hello everybody

how can i convert 2516 kWh in 251,6 kWh?

Many Thanks

My understanding is that you want to divide the state of the sensor by 10 (in the US we write our decimals as 251.6 but I think you in Europe write them as 251,6 so if I’m wrong I apologize):

{{ (sensor.luxtronik_id_web_wmz_seit) /10 }}

In case the number is not recognized as a number, simply add:

{{ (sensor.luxtronik_id_web_wmz_seit) | int /10 }}

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yes, I forgot that point. Thanks!

Hi guys

what am I doing wrong?
I want to divide the number
For example, convert 30 to 3
Thank you

It won’t work because the template is trying to change the same sensor that is being referenced as the entity you’re creating.

Try changing the sensor id under “sensors:” to something else.