💬 Entity State Notification

I just tried it today again and it looks like it is working now. Thanks!

I digged in a bit deeper today and have a few question / suggestions:

  • ist it possible to use a sensor group and expand it instead of adding multiple sensors?
  • is it possible to combine the messages for all sensors in one message listing all the sensors?
  • can I configure the message title as optional?
  • is it possible to add a function to pause the notifications for eg. 30 mins?


One more, could there be a configurable target dashboard tap when clicking on the message?

I’ve been looking for a blueprint like this, thank you.
I have it setup so when any of the doors remain open for x period of time, i get notified + Alexa makes an announcement that door is still open but I’m encountering one issue.
If I choose the “Stop Notifying” option via the message on my iOS, Alexa immediately makes one last announcememt that door is still open.
It does this every time I use the “Stop Notifying” open.
I’m using the “Custom Action On” option with no “Custom Action Off”
Any suggestions ?

Thanks Manny.

I’m trying to cover a specific scenario: inform me if the door handle is open or tilted and the door contact is closed longer than 5 mins

I tried it with the door handle sensor as trigger, and the door sensor as condition.
This works fine if the condition stays the same.

If I open the door for longer than 5 mins, then close it I don’t receive a notification. Even the door handle is still open.

It seems, that the condition is just checked the first time and not during the periodic notifications.

Can this be added? Check condition for every run and not just at the first run.

Hi Sebastian,

Yes, the trigger is an event thing.
See this:
Automations #1: trigger only fires when it changes from not true to true.

Thanks for the explanation. Maybe the timer which is running anyways can check they state on a regular basis? @panhans could pls. have a look at my suggestions and questions?

@panhans just this still maintained by you?

Yes, sorry for my late response. I am busy atm and put my time on one of my other blueprint. Hopefully I find time in the next days.


I am wanting to use this blueprint to notify me if my windows are open, but only when I/everyone am leaving the house.

As my alarm system is always automatically set to arm any entry/exit doors sensors, I thought I could use the alarm’s disarmed state as a custom condition. But this of course only works if the alarm is already in a disarmed state and then the windows open.

Is there anyway of using this blueprint for my use case?

@panhans thanks so much for this awesome blueprint!

Quick question. How can I set the “target state” to a temperature of 32 degrees or higher?

For example, I have a temperature sensor in my freezer. If the temperature reaches 32 degrees or is higher than that then I want to receive a notification every 15 minutes until the temperature drops back below 32 degrees.

Thanks again!

Awesome blueprint. May I ask how you add multiple states notification please?

So my air con states turn on but I added cool and it notifies me its set to cool, but not when it set to heat. I want to add auto, cool, heat, dry, fan etc.


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I need to redesign this blueprint for more features. Hopefully I’ll find some time these days. Atm this is not possible but I will add this.

//EDIT: So, I redesigned the blueprint:

With verison 3.0 you need to setup your automations from scratch since there are some breaking changes.


Oh nice. Will update and check it out. Much appreciated.

Going back to my previous query. How to add multiple states?

Atm not possible but I could implement this. Just wonder in which case this makes sense. Only when comparing with an equal operator?

In another automation I have a condition for when weather turns bad which allows for a number of iterations. Maybe follow that?

{{ trigger.from_state.state not in [“hail”, “lightning”, “lightning-rainy”, “pouring”, “rainy”] }}

I guess “auto”, “cool”, “heat”, “dry”, “fan” along those lines?

Just checkout the latest version. There are some breaking changes. Sorry for that but there was an issue with numeric states and I had to restructure some logic and the selectors for this.

Ok so I installed the new version and did a quick test.

I added the climate entity
Operator : Equal
Entity State : cool

This worked fine

I added the climate entity
Operator : Not Equal
Entity State : off

This did not work so I tried cool for not equal to see if I get a notification with what it thinks my climate entity goes to when off which did not work either.

I added the climate entity
Operator : Not Equal
Entity State : cool

This isn’t the latest version anymore. I had to restructure some things since numeric triggers had some issues.
You can check out the latest version but it will break your current configuration. (Sorry about that)
Not Equal isn’t implemented anymore but I could add it easily if wanted.

Sorry must be missing something. Isn’t version 3 the latest?

Ok so tried re importing and that stuffed something up for me.

So did a reboot since it kept saying the blueprint already exists even though it would not let me delete it. Had to go into Studio Code and delete it manually. This did not fix the issue though

Yes I think Not Equal would help unless you are thinking off implementing multiple parameters for a state I suggested. For eg. I want to be notified only when it turns cloudy and rainy for weather instead of all other combinations etc.
