💬 Entity State Notification

Oh nice. Just gotta get this fixed now. Any ideas?

Have a 2nd try, please. For me it worked but maybe there was something missing in the number selector configuration.

Tried deleting > restarting entire VM which works but adding it again then rebooting shows an error. Then trying again got this

cancelling shows this

First screenshot file already exist

Just open the blueprint with a file editor. Select all, delete it, paste the content of the latest blueprint in.
Press C anywhere in your home assistant and type automation for reloading automations. (confirm with enter)

Phew think finally got it installed I think but the automation isnt working

Ok ignore. Its working. Yay! thanks

How did you test it? The notification gets fired on a state change. Try to change the state of a climate but first set a small duration in the setup, e.g of 2 seconds. I’ve added this as default in the blueprint.

Working. Must be a glitch in the Matrix. lol

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