Entity update time

Hello, I have a few entities set up in configuration.yaml that add up to one, etc. My problem is that not all the added entities are updated at the same time, so in the end the added entity is updated many times faster, which is unnecessary for me and just takes up more space. Can someone advise me how to make the entity that adds up only start once every 10 seconds and add up the current values at that time and then wait 10 seconds again. Just so that it doesn’t add up every time you update from one of the added entities. Thank you very much

  - name: "Celkem:_Spotreba_1f"
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    state: >
      {% set stavba = states('sensor.hlavni_1faze_w')   | float %}
      {% set solary = states('sensor.menic_w_1faze')   | float %}
      {% set baterie = states('sensor.sofar_active_power_output_l1')   | float %}
      {{ ((((solary ) + stavba) + baterie  )) | round(0) }}

Think you may be looking for a trigger based template sensor, using a time pattern trigger to update:

I tried, but I’m probably making a mistake somewhere.


  • trigger:
    • platform: pokus1faze
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
    • name: “Pokus Celkem:_Spotreba_1f”
      state_class: measurement
      device_class: power
      unit_of_measurement: “W”
      state: >
      {% set stavba = states(‘sensor.hlavni_1faze_w’) | float %}
      {% set solary = states(‘sensor.menic_w_1faze’) | float %}
      {% set baterie = states(‘sensor.sofar_active_power_output_l1’) | float %}
      {{ ((((solary ) + stavba) + baterie )) | round(0) }}