Entries from logbook.log are not shown in 0.112.0

After upgrading to 0.112.0, the logbook entries, created with the service logbook.log are not shown in the logbook anymore.
Has anyone similar experiences? Any hints, what needs to be done?

The logbook in 0.112.0 is really fast - great!

I noticed the same thing. I don’t often use that service, but coincidentally I tried using it today, and there were no errors, but the entry didn’t show up. No idea what might be wrong. I even upgraded to 0.112.1 (because the Template Editor was broken, and got fixed), but that doesn’t seem to make a difference with regards to the logbook.

This happens when the service is called without a domain or entity_id. As a workaround, set the domain to logbook for now.

Fixed here https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/37388