Environment moitoring

So I have taken the time to develop a small circuit board. It will not fit everyone’s needs but I wanted it to join together temp, humidity, CO2, PIR and have a common platform that reported to HA. so I designed it around Esp Home. I used a cheap and simple ESP8266 Node MCU board and from there wanted plug and play!
I wanted to be able to plug-in via DuPont connectors the various sensors I required in each specific area. So I used Ki-Cad to teach myself and do the job! The small board BMP/BME 280 sensors/ That’s Temp/Pressure | or Temp/Humidity. respectively. Plus a BH1750 for lumens and a H1 416W for motion detection. For Each of these are a stand alone card from the bay of ‘e’ I also adopted the ccs811 and then made a generic card that would work with any combination of sensors plus a NODEMCU ESP 8266 or a D1 mini to deliver the data to HA.
The original idea was that the units should be interchangeable i.e. plug and play so a standard pitch was required. As most small boards are manufactured in Asia I chose a pitch and the soldered headers to the board. Noe because of the available market of e-bay To me it is just plug and play. If anyone in the community would like the Gerber file to get their own or indeed the Ki-cad project file to further develop the board~? Just ask and it is all yours to share with the community.

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Any pics to share of your creation? I have been looking to do something similar (right now, mine are all just hooked up with jumper wires), so anything you would like to share would be appreciated.

Can’t upload the zip format but wait a day and I will have it uploaded elsewhere so we can shere!

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This should do it!

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This may make it more clear?

The sensors are off the bay of E so I just made the motherboard. plug in components as seen in the images.