Envisalink Unable to Connect

I have successfully used Envisalink ELV4 for around 18 months. About 3 weeks ago I noticed that it isn’t reporting states and the alarm panel in Lovelace isn’t working. The oddity is that my alarm is arming and disarming daily through an automation I have set. The logs are below and clearly show no connections. I have also included my config which hasn’t changed I had a connection. I am using a static IP, which I have verified along with the credentials. I am running HA on a RPi4.

panel_type: DSC
user_name: !secret envisalink_usr
password: !secret envisalink_pwd
code: !secret dsc_code
port: 4025
evl_version: 4
keepalive_interval: 60
zonedump_interval: 30
timeout: 10

I appreciated the help.

Have you tried power cycling the panel ( and thus the EVL ) ?

Thank you Richie. I had been lazy and rebooted through the software not by unplugging, which of course fixed it. I have discovered thought that I do a hard reboot of the Envisalink after I restart home assistance as the connection doesn’t get reestablished.

i’m going through this right now, and everything i’ve tried short of pulling the power on the panel has failed so far…is there a way to fix this other than cutting power to the board and envisalink? that seems like a recipe for disaster if this thing goes down while i’m not at home…

I haven’t found another way. Neither have I had any problems pulling the power (don’t forget to pull the backup battery too). The good news is that I haven’t experienced this problem for months.

for me, it ended up being that i had an old VM restart that had a docker container running that connected to the envisalink (and it only accepts one connection at a time). i killed and deleted that container, restarted my main HA container, and all is well.