Envislink / Honeywell Help

Envislink / Honeywell


/ Can some one guide me I am trying to setup Envislink / Honeywell panel and I am getting the following error.

Invalid config for [envisalink]: required key not provided @ data[‘envisalink’][‘host’]. Got None required key not provided @ data[‘envisalink’][‘panel_type’]. Got None required key not provided @ data[‘envisalink’][‘password’]. Got None required key not provided @ data[‘envisalink’][‘user_name’]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Component error: zonedump_interval - Integration ‘zonedump_interval’ not found. Component error: evl_version - Integration ‘evl_version’ not found. Component error: keepalive_interval - Integration ‘keepalive_interval’ not found. Component error: panic_type - Integration ‘panic_type’ not found. Component error: host - Integration ‘host’ not found. Component error: partitions - Integration ‘partitions’ not found. Component error: code - Integration ‘code’ not found. Component error: password - Integration ‘password’ not found. Component error: panel_type - Integration ‘panel_type’ not found. Component error: user_name - Integration ‘user_name’ not found. Component error: zones - Integration ‘zones’ not found. Component error: port - Integration ‘port’ not found.

host: 172.16.15.xx  
panel_type: HONEYWELL  
user_name: user  
password: user  
code: '9999’
evl_version: 3  
keepalive_interval: 60  
zonedump_interval: 30  
panic_type: Police  
name: 'Front Door'  
type: 'opening'  
name: 'Home Alarm'

Please format your code properly or we can’t help you. Put three backticks ( ``` ) above and below the code.

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Ok so it looks like you don’t have any indentation at all. Your error seems to confirm this. Indentation is critical in YAML so look at the docs again to see the proper formatting.

panel_type: HONEYWELL
user_name: user
password: user
code: '3101'
evl_version: 3 
keepalive_interval: 60 
zonedump_interval: 30 
panic_type: Police
    name: 'Front Door'
    type: 'opening'
    name: 'Home Alarm'

Check the docs again. Note how host:, panel_type:, etc. are indented two spaces.

If you look at the example here you can see that your indentation is still off, especially everything from line 2 onwards still needs two additional spaces.

Sorry, guess we were both typing at the same time :hushed:

Lol it’s all good

I’m also not sure if you can leave the ‘port:’ definition empty or if you have to either specify port 4025 or take/comment the whole line out.

Thanks all. That was it.