Envoy Gateway and MyQ are broken after last two updates!

After the last two updates both MyQ and Envoy (enphase gateway) are broken.
HA Version: 2021.1.0
Operating System Version: 5.9.16

The third error I don’t know why it’s an issue. Here is my line 136 from my configuration.yaml file.
Preformatted text`136 group: !include groups.yaml

Config entry for myq not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds

5:43:48 AM – config_entries.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 5:40:13 AM and shows up 6 times

Error requesting data from https://api.myqdevice.com/api/v5.1/Accounts/c5ba3d41-b74f-4a38-8f81-e8fdfece085f/Devices: 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL('https://api.myqdevice.com/api/v5.1/Accounts/c5ba3d41-b74f-4a38-8f81-e8fdfece085f/Devices')

5:43:48 AM – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymyq/api.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 5:40:13 AM and shows up 6 times

Device update failed; trying again in 2 seconds

5:43:42 AM – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymyq/api.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 5:40:02 AM and shows up 18 times

Authentication failure during setup: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: For more information check: https://httpstatuses.com/401

5:40:02 AM – enphase_envoy (ERROR)

Sensor type "callhelp" is unsupported.

5:40:00 AM – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhik/hikvision.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 5:40:00 AM and shows up 36 times

Invalid config for [automation]: [for] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->for. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 136).

5:40:00 AM – config.py (ERROR)

Myq is a known issue and outside the control of the developers. MyQ has changed their undocumented API again and has broken the integration. Search for the thread.

Thanks for the reply. MyQ broke last month but after the news came out about the API issue another update happen which fixed MyQ.

When I updated to 2021.1.0 the MyQ integration is broken again . Is this yet another API change?

I just talked to a friend that has not updated to 2021.1.0 and his MyQ is working.

Just updated to Home Assistant Core 2021.1.1 and now MyQ works again.
Envoy is still not working…

after a lot lot lot of debugging, i find that the envoy_reader.py is doing some nonsense.

the solution to fix the 401 error…

is to remove the password from configuration.yaml

just spent like 3 hours figuring out that one.

Thanks for doing all the debugging.

Here is my latest config. but it’s still not working.

  - platform: enphase_envoy
    name: Solar
      - production
      - daily_production
      - seven_days_production
      - lifetime_production

you restarted after changing configure.yaml ?
what does the log say now? i see you dont have inverters listed under monitored, so it shouldnt be trying to access that page any longer.


Yes! I restart HA several times.
Here is what log file is reporting.

Logger: homeassistant.components.enphase_envoy.sensor
Source: components/enphase_envoy/sensor.py:85
Integration: enphase_envoy ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/enphase_envoy), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+enphase_envoy%22))
First occurred: 2:02:29 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:02:29 PM

check if your enphase_envoy/sensor.py matches the one in git, and then make sure your HA is updated … something might have corrupted ?


Thanks again for your all of your help. I run HA via lovelace. Not sure how to compare the files.
My HA is updated!
