Epever UP-HI with Epever TCP-306 (modbus)

Hi everyone,
I have a Epever UP-HI 3000 Hybrid Enverter that I would like to connect to my home assistant via modbus, as Epever’s cloud solution is very buggy.

I have now ordered the Epever TCP-306 and connected it to the inverter. But homeassistant does not receive the correct data. I found out that the TCP-306 is identical to the USR-TCP232-306 https://www.pusr.com/products/ethernet-to-serial-converters-usr-tcp232-306.html.

I will now install a firmware update to v4020, as the new version probably supports multi-host Modbus polling Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP.

I will report here whether it worked.

nice greetings from Germany