EPEVER wifi 2.4g RJ45 (solution)


so, I am trying to “hack” the China locked subj device.
by default it works with hncomm.epsolarpv.com:15000
after some mikrotik + wireshark tricks now it’s works with local python server.

here is settings:

here is sample of python client

from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer as ModbusFramer
import logging

log = logging.getLogger()
# log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

host = ""
port = 9999

  client = ModbusTcpClient(host, port=port, framer=ModbusFramer)
    success = client.connect()
    if not success:
        return False

    result = client.read_input_registers(0x3100, 8, slave=1)
    if (not result.isError()):
        pvVoltage = float(result.registers[0] / 100.0)
        pvCurrent = float(result.registers[1] / 100.0)
        pvPower = float(result.registers[2] / 100.0)

        print("0x3100: pvVoltage:",             pvVoltage,      "v")
        print("0x3101: pvCurrent:",             pvCurrent,      "a")
        print("0x3102: pvPower:",              pvPower,       "w")

0x3100: pvVoltage: 0.07 v
0x3101: pvCurrent: 0.0 a
0x3102: pvPower: 0.0 w


Every time after EPEVER wifi 2.4g RJ45 device is restarted, it goes to dumb mode.
For init you should manually send a “magic” command

def init():

1 Like

Hello, thanks for this.
Unfortunately Im not able to understand what I have to do to “see” the data from Home Assistant.
Could you write some “basic” instructions like:

  1. Create a pyton server on a local linux pc/vm on your network and get it’s Ip address
  2. Write this code in this file on this place and put the server IP address in it
  3. In home assistant go to X, add Y, configure Z…
    and so on…

Hello, thanks for this.
Unfortunately Im not able to understand what I have to do to “see” the data from Home Assistant.
Could you write some “basic” instructions like:

  1. Create a pyton server on a local linux pc/vm on your network and get it’s Ip address
  2. Write this code in this file on this place and put the server IP address in it
  3. In home assistant go to X, add Y, configure Z…
    and so on…

Nothing deep, just basic instructions on what are the steps, then anyone will search on how to make a pyton server or client and so on by himself.
I think I’m not the only one interested in this and it will be so much appreciated.

Thanks a lot for any help!

This message only for developers. Sorry