EPEX Spot and Awattar Electricity Prices

thanks - now everything works fine :slight_smile:


is there a possibility that some one (looking at @gigatexel) ^^ modify the script above with the 3 lowest hours for the next 48 hours. Plus date and price in the output?
I tried it by myself but i wasn’t able to do that.

I’m also confused by the output of the sensor.epex_spot_at_price because i’m getting wrong prices. i have to shift it 2 hours then the price is correct :confused:

@Presl1983 The time is shown as UTC timestamp - which is the standard time format for computing systems. You can see it also, because the timestamps ends with +00:00. Home Assistant also knows about that and adjusts the timestamp according to your configured time zone.

Like in SQL :confused: so i have to work with it Or is there a setting to maintain that.
I think i will try to rework the Script with some other loops. Because i only need the now() time stamp +34 hours and so on.

@Presl1983 No, there is no configuration option.

Hello - absolut new here.
i use the code to finde the best time to heat the water - works great in the dashboard
but how to use the time in automation?
i use the helper as automation trigger - but cant find it as “time trigger”
if i change the helper to “time-stamp” i get no result 

any idea? i tried the whole week

Is there a plan to offer V 2.1 via HACS? With HA 2023.10.3 latest version offered in HACS is 2.0.


I’m struggling a bit to find the sensor.epex_spot_at_price - the only sensors what I have are:

Where can I find the Austria aWATTar prices

I’m a newbie so apologize my may dump question :wink:

I guess there was sensor name change - sensor.expex_spot_data_net_price delivers the correct price depending on what is configured, in my case aWATTar 

@Andi_H Release 2.0.0 · mampfes/ha_epex_spot · GitHub

@dylan_09 Yes, sure. I wanted to wait for feedback first.

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@memmi47cls Did you add a template sensor already?

Hello , how to get the tomorrow values , thanks for your support

They come online approx at 2 pm.

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yes, thanks a lot, the template sensor works

I tried to install the integration but when adding it via HA it just shows “Unknown error occurred” (see screenshot) - regardless which option of data source.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-22 um 22.35.55

“ha core logs” show me :

AttributeError: module ‘custom_components.epex_spot.EPEXSpot.EPEXSpotWeb’ has no attribute ‘EPEXSpotWeb’

I have this versions installed :

  • Core2023.11.3
  • Supervisor2023.11.3
  • Operating System8.5
  • Frontend20231030.2

Can you give me a hint how to overcome this error ?



Probably there are files missing. How did you install the integration? Via HACS?
If yes, please try to reinstall.


you were right, there were files missing 
 even if a copied all via rsync to my HA filesystem for a manual installation.

After putting missing files under “custom_components/epex_spot” and doing a “ha core restart” integration was added and configured successfully :slight_smile:

Thx for you hint :+1:


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Hallo. Ich bin neu hier. Können Sie mir bitte erklĂ€ren wie ich genau vorgehen muss. Ich habe epex installiert. aber wo genau muss ich diese Tabellen jetzt einfĂŒgen um so eine Karte zu bekommen?

Sorry, I don’t understand your problem (not because of the language!). What do you mean with table?

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