EPEX Spot and Awattar Electricity Prices

Doesn’t seem to work for BE…

I’m using both of your charts and I’m very happy with the looks. But I find them kinda “wrong” because the price is from let’s say 09:00 to 10:00 (so the full hour) while the bars show the price between 08:30 - 09:30 or something.

Is there a way to let the bars start at the full our rather then expand to left and right?

For sure. Besides the general overview I would assume to pick a time slot under certain conditions is the most anticipated feature. I will have a look later :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not. At least I did not find a way to adjust this - there are already a few comments about it in the apex thread but no solution.

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is there a possibility that you provide us a script which calculate the cheapest two hours (in the upcoming 24 hours)? :slight_smile:
The return value should be the highest price from the two hours after that i will setup my battery charging timeslot with that value.

i don’t think so. here you can see, when i’m in the edit mode, i can see the values.

Why not using the new helper from here:

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And how does it look when you exit the edit mode. Have you used by any chance the conditional card - then maybe the condition does not work, try it without the condition for starters?

a condition was set - that was the problem :slight_smile: now i see everything

thanks… configured - but i don’t know how to use the on off value in an automation…
attributes should be wrong…

any ideas?

Use the sensor as trigger, when state changes from off to on to activate your device - or whatever you plan - and vice versa when it changes back to off deactivate it. Pretty much straight forward.

fixed it thanks :). i have to leave the attribute blank - didnt know that. sorry

Hm sensor not checking the next day :/. He is charging the battery at the Moment But the lowst price would be in three hourse.

is it possible to adapt the sensor to define the same time when the epex price will be announced?

I think i have an idea - i could compare the outcome of your script above(cheapest price today) with the epex sensor. if it matches i can charge if not wait for the next day (i have to take care about prices after 2 pm).

Hi, first of all thanks for the work you do :slight_smile:

I’m new to HA and adding the EPEX Spot worked well. But the EPEX Spot Sensor is not working for me.

I’m adding the custom repositorie, but when i try to add the helpers it does show an error note. Am I doing it wrong?

Grateful for any help!
Thanks, Luca

(could only add one picture)

@remidemi17 This is strange. It could be an installation issue → try to reinstall it via HACS. Otherwise (sorry - I have to ask this): Did you really select "EPEX Spot Sensor (helper)?

@mampfes thanks for the super quick reply!

yeah so after adding the custom repository i clicked the blue “Add integration…” from step 5.
But I’m running the newest version of HA.

Like said, I’m new to this so don’t know if i did anything wrong/some simple mistake. In step 2, i open HACS from the sidebar and then click on the 3 dots, there is no step “select Integrations” for me. Is there my mistake? Am i in the wrong section?

Thanks a lot for your help!! :slight_smile: The main reason I started with HA is to turn on my boiler in the cheapest hours

@remidemi17 Ah, my fault: There was one step missing in the installation instructions. Please try again (step 5 is new).

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Thank you very much Steffen! worked like a charm now :grinning:

I just installed these plugins and started playing around with them because we switched to smart energy this month.

@webwude’s code has been MASSIVELY helpful for me since I am a complete HA beginner.

I am not, however, a big fan of having a lot of stuff in YAML files because I am currently finding it hard to keep track of it and understand what is going on, so I wanted to use his code but in the Helpers menu just like you were trying to.

Just in case you still care about this, you can indeed create a Template sensor the way you are trying to - you need then add ONLY the portion in curly brackets to the “Zustandstemplate” box. So in this case, you can name the Template whatever you want, but in the "Zustandstemplate box add

{% set ct = now().hour + now().minute/60 + now().second/3600 %}
{{ 14 <= ct <= 23 }}

This is how I did it, and it worked.

I do see the advantage of adding it to the configuration file though! That way, you can edit it whenever you like. After adding it through the GUI, I can’t find a way to edit the code anymore.