EPEX Spot and Awattar Electricity Prices

Hey, danke für die Arbeit diese Integration zu bauen. Ich bin bei Awattar und versuche gerade nachzuvollziehen, wie der Nettopreis pro kWh den die Integration ausspuckt zustande kommt um sicherzustellen, dass der Wert wirklich richtig ist.

So wie sich das für mich gerade darstellt, kann der Nettopreis aber eigentlich nicht richtig sein, da die Integration einen absoluten Aufschlag + Surcharge in % + MwSt. draufschlägt. Awattar schlägt aber absolute Beträge nach Jahr / Monat / Verbrauch etc. drauf und ich denke das wird hier nicht berücksichtigt. Liege ich damit richtig?

Bei meiner Rechnung kommt zum Nettpreis für die kWh dazu:

# Zusätzlich kommt dazu (ohne MwSt.)
# --------
# Grundgebühr:          4,88 EUR / Monat
# Netznutzungsentgelt:  4,66 cent/kWh
# Netzverlustentgelt:   0,80 cent/kWh
# Messentgelt:          26,16 EUR / Jahr; 0,071945 EUR / Tag
# Leistungspauschale:   36,- EUR / Jahr; 0,098630 EUR / Tag
# Elektrizitätsabgabe:  0,10 cent/kWh

Hat jemand geschafft das abzubilden bzw. habe ich hier vielleicht irgendwo einen Denkfehler? Mein Ziel wäre schon vorher zu wisssen, was auf der Rechnung stehen wird.

@tom-x1 Hi, die EPEX Spot Integration, wie auch HA selbst, berücksichtigen nur die Kosten pro kWh. Sonstige Kosten (monatlich/jährlich) müsstest Du selbst drauf rechnen.

Danke. Verstehe ich das dann richtig, dass die Optionen für surcharges + Tax in der Integrationskonfiguration für Awattar nicht relevant sind? Per Default sind da bereits Werte hinterlegt welche auf den Nettopreis aufgeschlagen werden.

In Wirklichkeit müssten diese aber bei Awattar alle auf 0 stehen und die Kosten die dazu kommen muss man selbst draufrechnen?

Soweit ich weiss stellt Awattar die Preise ohne Gebühren/Steuer zur Verfügung. Das heisst, falls Du Deinen Nettopreis haben möchtest, muss die Surcharges und Taxes entsprechend konfigurieren.


I was able to use ‘powersaver’ nodes with epex data in nodered to get the cheapest hours:

here you have the code:

[{"id":"153f65b59d1179db","type":"ps-strategy-lowest-price","z":"9033a393.73d5a","name":"Lowest 3h Price","fromTime":"22","toTime":"22","hoursOn":"3","maxPrice":"","doNotSplit":false,"sendCurrentValueWhenRescheduling":true,"outputValueForOn":"true","outputValueForOff":"true","outputValueForOntype":"bool","outputValueForOfftype":"bool","outputIfNoSchedule":"false","outputOutsidePeriod":"false","contextStorage":"memory","x":840,"y":840,"wires":[["dea65f8e2836d43a","acabc9ced064f374"],["49416e2450c613bd","c1219a4d08aceda2"],[]]},{"id":"4df208401ec5d0b6","type":"ps-strategy-lowest-price","z":"9033a393.73d5a","name":"Lowest 8Price","fromTime":"22","toTime":"22","hoursOn":"8","maxPrice":"","doNotSplit":false,"sendCurrentValueWhenRescheduling":true,"outputValueForOn":"true","outputValueForOff":"false","outputValueForOntype":"bool","outputValueForOfftype":"bool","outputIfNoSchedule":"true","outputOutsidePeriod":"false","contextStorage":"memory","x":840,"y":1060,"wires":[["b76b45f5e3eac781","7ccdde304b6f55eb"],["94fdbedf12f3f2b1","7ae85dc21f672f4f"],[]]},{"id":"cf6656888c0fe1ac","type":"inject","z":"9033a393.73d5a","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"00 21 * * *","once":true,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":130,"y":760,"wires":[["3af57e696732e4f0"]]},{"id":"1dfd79141aa50b10","type":"function","z":"9033a393.73d5a","name":"convert EPEX data","func":"// Extract the original data array\nlet data = msg.data.attributes.data;\n\n// Initialize the new priceData array\nlet priceData = [];\n\n// Loop through each data point and transform it\nfor (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {\n let dataPoint = data[i];\n let newDataPoint = {\n value: dataPoint.price_ct_per_kwh / 100, // Convert price to dollars/kWh\n start: dataPoint.start_time // Use the start_time as is\n };\n priceData.push(newDataPoint);\n}\n\n// Assign the new priceData array to msg.payload.priceData\nmsg.payload = { priceData: priceData };\n\n// Return the modified message\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":610,"y":840,"wires":[["4df208401ec5d0b6","153f65b59d1179db"]]},{"id":"3af57e696732e4f0","type":"api-current-state","z":"9033a393.73d5a","name":"","server":"1284480.46e1db8","version":3,"outputs":1,"halt_if":"","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","entity_id":"sensor.epex_spot_data_price","state_type":"str","blockInputOverrides":false,"outputProperties":[{"property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entityState"},{"property":"data","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"entity"}],"for":"0","forType":"num","forUnits":"minutes","override_topic":false,"state_location":"payload","override_payload":"msg","entity_location":"data","override_data":"msg","x":310,"y":840,"wires":[["1dfd79141aa50b10"]]},{"id":"1284480.46e1db8","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","addon":true,"rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true,"ha_boolean":"","connectionDelay":false,"cacheJson":false,"heartbeat":false,"heartbeatInterval":"","statusSeparator":"","enableGlobalContextStore":false}]

Since today or yesterday the SMARD.de EPEX Spot Data Integration is broken:

Switching to Web Scraper is working, but the data from the previous day is missing. All my automations and template sensors are broken for the moment!

Is working again.
I consider issue at SMARD.de side.

Does anyone else have a problem with the provider smartENERGY? Maintenance work was carried out on friday and i haven’t received any data since then. Has something changed in the communication data?


Server: apis.smartenergy.at
Resource: market/v1/price
Method: Get
Format: JSON
Parameter: none
Call: apis.smartenergy.at/market/v1/price

Since Saturday I have trouble with SMARD.de, no new data. Anybody else? The service for Awattar is working very well.

Good Morning,
Same for me, the API seems to be down. at least when calling the URL, there’s no data.

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Now the interface is working again. I have reloaded the service for this. I had already done this several times at the weekend, but without any improvement.

Do any of you know how to configure an additional horizontal line, e.g. for a price limit? The price limit could be defined using an input helper and then displayed in a different color in the chart.

After the switch back from DST to normal time last night, the epex prices are still shown in DST time :frowning:
I just checked and HA switched the time correctly - the current price is now always the price for the next hour and not the current one.
anyone else having this issue right now?

This is also the case for me in the chart, even a restart of HA has not changed anything.

as @webwude mentioned already, there are several ways to create a helper that could be used to toggle displaying the forecast.
I used a ‘time of day’ sensor


many routes lead to rome :wink:

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@mampfes, all
I would need some advice on the surcharges. I am wondering how they are used to calculate the absolute price per kWh.
I see two options when leaving the pct surcharge aside:

  • absolute price = (spotprice + surcharge) * (1 + tax)
  • absolute price = (spotprice * (1 + tax)) + surcharge

=> Do I need to enter the surcharge in the setting dialog incl tax or without?

Side remark
For Germany, I would consider the following standard unavoidable contributions to the surcharge:

  • Stromsteuer
  • Offshore Umlage
  • Kraftwärmekopplung
  • Umlage nach §19
  • Netznutzungsentgelt

They are all charged per kWh

Many thanks!

It seems like the API works, but with old data.
Normally it should post the date for the next day at 5pm.
Now it is 7:30pm and still now data for tomorrow.

It looks like there are some problems with the scraper:


I successfully managed to setup the Awattar hourly price charts in my Home Assistant Dashboard - thanks for this integration!
Unfortunately I can´t get the Min and Max prices for the following day displayed in a Chip in my dashboard.
(the current day´s extremas are easy via
sensor.epex_spot_data_lowest_price and sensor.epex_spot_data_highest_price)

Can somebody please help me out?