EPG Support for TV

hi there…is this also possible in Home Asisstant?

really looks nice, but is it portable to HA?

The author said it is implemented via a “frame panel”.

I assume that is something similar to this: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/panel_iframe/

If you can find an online source that provides the epg data, then you could achieve this by making one or more REST (if the source is some api) or Scrape (if the source is a plain website) sensors. Then display the sensor data with a Markdown card and template code that iterates over the sensor data.
Some tinkering involved, but not too complicated either.

xmltv is the premiere source of online epg info.

that sounds super easy…XD but how i can scrape this site with my favourit channels?

that is not the data.

Install xmltv

configure the grabber

tv_grab_eu_xmltvse --configure

see http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/Main_Page

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I don’t think our friend here wants to run that application then write his own parser or app to post the data to Home Assistant.

The xmltv.se site could be the basis for a Restful sensor. For instance, this code inside configuration.yaml:

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://xmltv.xmltv.se/3plus.ee_2020-10-27.xml
    name: plustv_tuesday

would grab the xml with the programs for that day.

Now the above example will throw an error because the data is more than 255 characters long and that’s the limit for the state of a sensor. So you’ll have to parse the data with value-templates and assign it to attributes of that sensor.
The last example in the documentation I linked to is somewhat similar as it shows how to parse an xml file.

Another example in that documentation shows you how to use templating in the resource url, so you could make sensors where the date is auto-updated.

In the end you would end up with 7 restful sensors for each tv-channel.

Now, none of this is super-easy if you’re not accustomed to working with xml or json data, so if you want to go this route raspi-fella, and all this is new to you, you’re in for quite a steep learning curve.