Just install Home Assistant in a VM VirualBox on my Windows 10 laptop. I have an EPS8622 (ESP-01) that I have programmed with Arduino IDE and connect it to my wifi. I created a test device in ESPHome (following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iufph4dF3YU). When I try to install it to my ESP with ESPHome Dashboard it does not see my USB device (message: No serial devices found.). How can I get ESPHome to see my USB device?
Looks like the USB pass through on your VM isn’t enabled. Might wanna look up a virtual box “addon” package with USB passthrough features.
Or just use a chromium based browser and use web serial in the esphome dashboard.
Or download the bin and flash it locally with the esphome-flasher
Is the VM network adapter set to Bridged mode? The default is to NAT so it is on a different network but has Internet access.
I use program, called “tasmotizer” for first uploading via UART. Do a search in google, you’ll find it. Download bin image from esphome and program it manually.
If that program doesn’t find your USB device then you have a dead device probably.
The author has no network problems but troubles with his serial-usb adapter
This is the VM I’m using. Originally there was no USB filter, but this does not make a difference.
I’m using Google Chrome.
I flash using tasmotizer and now the ESP is available in HA. I’m now able to program it over wifi. Thanks.