EQ 3 Bluetooth Thermostat Integration missing in current HA

Hi there,

I would like to connect my EQ-3 Bluetooth thermostats (thermostatic radiator valve) to my HA (running on a rasp berry pi 4) and there should be an integration for that specific purpose.
EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats - Home Assistant
Unfortunately I cannot add it via the integrations site. Has it been abandoned and is not supported any more or do I have to add it in another way?

Thank you very much for you help and the great work!

You have to add the lines as shown in the intergration site to your configuration.yaml file

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I will try this as soon as I can get my hands on again.

How can I par the bluetooth devices? I could not find an interface for that and it appears that the SSH addon would not let me install hcitool.

From the ssh type bluetoothctl then scan on. It will scan for bluetooth devices. The eq3 devices will have similar mac codes to below. Use these mac codes to enter in your own configuration.yaml file. After you save this and restart HA it should have new climate devices as entities. You will not need to pair with the eq3 like you do with bluetooth devices normally.


  - platform: eq3btsmart
	    mac: '00:1a:34:a9:8d:88'
        mac: '00:1a:25:07:5d:85'
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Thanks, I successfully added the devices but in the overview they are shown as unavailable.
The log shows:
Updating the state failed: Failed to connect to peripheral 00:1A:22:10:A1:C5, addr type: public

Is it possible that I may still have to pair the devices? And if so, how would I do that?


Try this line above that worked for them. When you have bluetoothctl running you can type help and it will show you all the commands. Pair is one of them. It will connect for a min or so and then disconnect. This isn’t necessary but at least you will try it and it’s what I tried when I first got an eq3. I created a little switch to restart the bluetooth on my HA as at the time I was tinkering with HA alot and got fed up with having to type in ssh each time eq3 became unavailable.

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Thanks, it works now. I believe it was the poor connection along the corridor that had caused some issues.
How can I use the thermostats to turn on/off depending on certain conditions like time of the day or presence of a persion. I could not find it under integrations but only under entities. There it is labelled as “read only”. Is there a way I can still use it by amending details in the entity customisations section?

Try this link above. It has gotten better since then with conditional bits aswell as just time of day. Built in timer on eq3 is difficult to do with android app as I often lost that pairing and had to go through whole process again.

I don’t know much about presence detection. Tried it but didn’t work for more than few hours.