Eq3cli not found (HASS OS 5.12, Docker 19.03.13)

I try to integrate some bluetooth EQ3 Valves, but can’t get the EQ3 integration to work.
Anything seems fine, can see the valves as entities with their mac adresses, they are even listed in “known_devices.yaml” .
Putting the “climate” section in the configuration.yaml, but I am not able to read any data from the valves. I was even able to pair a valve manually without problem.
But when I try the eq3bt command in the ssh shell as stated in the integration document to verify it is working, I receive a “not found”. (but in the docker container it seems to work!).
Trying to install the integration from Git hub via “pip install python-eq3bt” it gives some errors (mainly failed to build bluepy).

I am a little bit desperate now, because until now everything in Home Assistant was smooth like silk, got a lot of ikea tradfri lamps, switches and movement detectors to work, zigbee wall dimmers, even discounter products from “LIDL” worked fine. My car shows up with bmw connect, even integration of gas station fuel prizes and so on were really simple.
With this weird EQ3 stuff I get more and more confused after searching and testing for days now.
So I try to ask here - maybe someone has a hint for me?

P.S.: Hardware is a Raspberry Pi 4

In the cli Try bluetoothctl. Then scan on. It will list all Bluetooth devices it can see. Then scan off to stop scanning. I some times can’t connect to eq3 on the front end and have to go to cli and type bluetoothctl and type power off and then power on or just issue cli command bluetoothctl power off without going into bluetoothctl program. Each time I restart HA one of my eq3 fails to connect and I have to turn Bluetooth off and on on my RPI3.
Don’t think eq3bt is a command we can use.

Thank You very much for Your proposal.
I will try it tomorrow and report the result.


Hi Dave,

thank You very much for Your hint, the bluetoothctl off/on was the right way to gain contact to the EQ3 devices.
Now they are connected and I can try to use them.

Best regards

Here is a script I use to restart Bluetooth rather than having to go into the Command line each time.

  alias: Bluetoothctl Power Restart
  - service: shell_command.bluetoothctl_off
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: shell_command.bluetoothctl_on
  mode: single

This below goes in configuration.yaml

  bluetoothctl_off: bluetoothctl power off
  bluetoothctl_on: bluetoothctl power on