eQ3 Max: how to use the climate entities in the automation?


I’m using eQ-3 Max with window contacts and wall thermostats.

I have configured the Max Cube gateway in the config file and somehow could manage to get the temperatures shown in the dashboard:

The radiators need to be switched on/off using a http request.

So I’m planing on automations like:
if current temp is lower than intended temp and window is closed → sitch radiator on, else off

I simply don’t see where to pick the values from.
My climate entities lists like this:

How would I address the values in the automation and how to see, which values are available at all?

Thanks for any hint.

Thanks to @henry8866 I came accross the term ‘State Change’, where one can find all states of entities.
These states are coming with the value names I was looking for:

  - "off"
  - auto
  - heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 30.5
  - none
  - boost
  - comfort
  - eco
  - away
  - "on"
current_temperature: 23.7
temperature: 22.5
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
friendly_name: Heizung Wohnzimmer
supported_features: 17