Error 0:0 Uncaught every time

I don’t have any, I use HACS and the installed modules goes into lovelace resources.
Are things configured both in lovelace resources and in configuration. yaml ?

I don’t know, I followed the instructions.

UPDATE: it looks like we have to choose!

There is stated “While card-mod can be installed as a lovelace resource, some functionality will benefit greatly from it being installed as a frontend module instead.”

… instead …

So, I can safely remove the resources? I saw there’s HACS parameter at the entry:

Yeah as long as it’s in your configuration.yaml then you can remove from resources

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I dont have any extra_url in my configuration yaml. Just references in the dashboard.
You can prevent the messages with setting up logger to the following:

  default: warning
    #on every access from the mobile app there is an unought error. we dont want this
    frontend.js.latest: critical

Hope this will get fixed :slight_smile:


Removing the resources broke cards that used it (error cannot find card type, something like this), even though I have the extra_module_url in the configuration.yaml. So, I put them back.

Removed the extra_module_url from the configuration.yaml doesn’t cause issue, but it doesn’t fix the Uncaught error.

Thank you my friend, that was the problem.

One week now, and error looks gone :+1:

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