The Pi with HA has been working for months. Today I was unable to reach it via the app. Accessing it at home from the browser gave me the error ‘Server got itself in trouble’ with a 500. So I rebooted the PI. But HA does not come back at all : ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I can ping the PI. But that is it. The Pi has an external SSD with the OS and HA. What is the best approach to tackle this? The last thing I want is to reinstall and configure everything.
Connect a monitor to it to see what is happening.
Let me try this. But some more info: The first time I pinged it it came back with an ip 4 address, The next time and all other times with an ip -6 address. Pinging the ip 4 address does not do anything now. I tried accessing the disk on my windows system using ext2fsd. But it does not see an ext partition. But I assume the data is there, because the OS must be starting otherwise ping would not work. Right?
I agree with that assessment. I think it is booting.
Ok, had to order an HDMI cable and wait for it. What I see is:
“Waiting for the Home Assistant CLI to be ready …”
Followed with:
“[WARN] Home Assistant CLI not starting! Jump into emergency console…”
I googled for this, first tried the ‘login’ command. But the result was the same two lines. I also found that it may be a network problem. So I disconnected the ethernetcable and connected to the wifi. Still the same problem.
Now is there any log file I can have a look at? And where would that be?
a video of the boot process, as far as I can see there are no errors!AlZYnjFdWN7TrIcYhSjJ_M0iw6hj6A?e=RBbBag
The files are there apparently. The last record in the homeassistant.log is from long before the problem started.
I removed the home-assistant.log and rebooted. It is not recreated.
- Or is there a way, I can download the latest backup?
- Are all the boot messages also stored in a file somewhere?
I really need some help here. How can I get access to the files? Can I enable SSH or FTP somehow from this prompt that comes after waiting for the CLI?
So in the mean time I found out that HA is not running on the OS as such, it is apparently running in docker. And I saw that the container was not started.
So I started it and HA is reachable again. So the question is why is it unable to start at boot time? And there are lot more images that apparently are part of HA. Should I start them as well?
It is supervisor’s job to start them, but it doesn’t hurt to start them yourself.
So I started all of them, most of them started , some stopped again. In HA itself most devices were working, but I was not able to go to the backups, it needed the supervisor I guess. I found someone with a similar problem and he mentioned that everything started working again after a safe restart, but HA does not respond to that, not to restart either. So I disconnected/connected the power…The PI gets in an endless boot loop. It boots to a certain message and than resets and starts all over again. This is the message:
First thing I always suggest for a RPi bootloop is a new power supply.
Spend a couple extra dollars and get a better one. RPis do not do well with even a little less power than expected.
This is an PI 4 official power supply.
I just gave up. I installed raspb OS on an sd card and connected the SSD. I could see all data. I found a list of backups called homeassistant.tar.gz.
I downloaded it to windows and using 7z extracted a homeassistant.tar from it. Then using 7z again on that file I see this as the content:
Looks like a complete backup to me.
So I then installed HA on the same SD card (dont want to reformat the SSD yet). And when that was running I tried uploading the homeassistant.tar. After a long time I get a Bad Request 400. The size of the .gz file is 788 MB, the size of the extracted tar file is 2.03 Gb. Might that be the problem here?
IS there another way to place the tar files on the PI?
I get it. They are weak too. Not the first time I have seen this issue fixed by moving from an ‘official’ PS to a usable PS.
Sorry, can’t help with the rest. It has been a long time since I have actually ran anything on an RPi. I have many in a box :).