I am running HASS through on a RPI 2 that was installed with the AIO installer. Connected to the GPIO pins, I have a DHT22 and rf transmitter. I am able to use the GPIO rf without issues, but the DHT22 is not able to be read. The error in HASS is:
File "/home/hass/.homeassistant/deps/Adafruit_DHT/Raspberry_Pi_2.py", line 34, in read
raise RuntimeError('Error accessing GPIO. Make sure program is run as root with sudo!')
RuntimeError: Error accessing GPIO. Make sure program is run as root with sudo!
I can read the temp/humidity through the command prompt without issue. The hass user is already a member of the gpio group.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ groups hass
hass : hass dialout video gpio
Any suggestions are appreciated.