Error attempting to add Roomba integration

i have a Roomba at Site 1 and Site 2. i’ve physically moved the roomba from Site 1 to Site 2, but the integration doesn’t let me add, maybe because of the issues recently mentioned. is it possible to add a manual entry in core.config_entries with the information from Site 1. This info:

        "entry_id": "301c9b77220ac133ce4f6b9a10455167",
        "version": 1,
        "minor_version": 1,
        "domain": "roomba",
        "title": "Rancho Roomba",
        "data": {
          "host": "IP_ADDRESS",
          "blid": "BLID",
          "password": "PASSWORD",
          "continuous": true,
          "delay": 1
        "options": {
          "continuous": true,
          "delay": 1
        "pref_disable_new_entities": false,
        "pref_disable_polling": false,
        "source": "user",
        "unique_id": "547D9797F9EA4817B97B24A982B3866B",
        "disabled_by": null

or would bad things happen? thanks

I can’t say for sure. But given the nature of the current issue, it is certainly possible this is what is preventing you from adding the Roomba. If you’re running the latest version of HA (2024.2.3) you could try downgrading (apparently this issue is really new and is not present in 2024.2.2 or earlier) or you can wait for the upcoming 2024.3.1 release (where they promise the issue is fixed). If you do either of these things and your problem persists, then it sounds like you have identified a new problem :slight_smile:

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the latest update fixed the issue.

Not fixed for me. What did you do to get it to work?

I was becoming almost crazy… and voila! it worked following instructions from a comment in a Github repository. The robot has to be cleaning, started using the app (and killed afterwards), at the same time that you introduce the pass in the HA setup pop up.

It worked!!!