Error booting Raspberry PI so im moving to Docker

Hey Guys,
I am moving to Docker from a Raspberry PI and I wanted to know if there are any guides on this? My Raspberry PI stopped working and I want to move everything on a mac mini running docker.

Is it a simple matter of transferring files from the SD Card or how would I go about starting this?

I am currently getting an error while booting the Raspberry PI

“SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block 437a52a, size a7dc”

Then below I am getting

A start job is running for HassOS data resizing (timer counting up/no limit)

Sounds like the SD Card is going bad. Hopefully you have backups or snapshots residing somewhere other than on that card.

Thats what I was afraid of, I had only got it all up and running so there wasn’t much happening on it. I was testing and playing around mainly so its maybe easier to start from scratch.
