I just spent a few hours debugging a script that had been working for months.
The script detects motion and then checks the light level and time of day to decide which scene (if any) to activate and for how long. I went into that room late at night and the nighlight mode was activated. The following morning the light was still on.
After a lot of debugging I finally found the error - The service call to record the scene at night was silently failing.
All it does it call set_value to update a text helper with the name of the scene that was activated. - i.e. scene.steves_office_walk_in_night
This command failed and I don’t know how to best handle errors. The failure was that the text helper had length 30 and the name to be stored is too long.
What I want is for the flow to get an error that I can then alert on or even handle.
This example is in a sub flow, but others are in normal flows too.