Lets see if I figure this out before getting a reply!
FYI I’m a noob…
So I’ve been working to get my Radio Thermostat CT80 working with HA.
The current mode and current temperature report to HA. Sweet.
Now I’m making a very dumb command switch to turn the thermostat to OFF mode and another to switch it to HEAT mode and set the temp to 72*F.
The curl commands quoted below work in terminal… The thermostat behaves as anticipated!
Inside config.yaml they bring errors.
command_on: 'curl "" -d '{"tmode": 0}' -X POST # OFF'
command_on: 'curl -d '{"tmode":1,"t_heat":72}''
Configuration invalid
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 111, column 8 expected <block end>, but found ‘{’ in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 111, column 59
At least one problem is you’re not using quoting correctly. Your command strings are quoted overall by single-quote characters. So it’s ok to use double-quote characters inside the string. But you’re also trying to use single-quote characters inside the string. That won’t work the way you’re doing it. In YAML, you can “escape” a single-quote character inside a string that is enclosed in single-quotes by entering two single-quote characters together. So, try this:
command_on: 'curl "" -d ''{"tmode": 0}'' -X POST # OFF'
command_on: 'curl -d ''{"tmode":1,"t_heat":72}'''
Good stuff! Thank you that worked
I’m just wondering, as its not got an off command, because each off state might be different regarding where and when the command happened.
Does HA do a momentary push button option?
The buttons currently stay in the on position once I fire new commands.
Thanks again for your help so far