Error connecting to Hue bridge emulator (Error connecting to the Hue bridge at IP address)


I have a very fresh installation running on a Raspberry Pi 4 (Home Assistant version is 0.101.3).
From time to time I get an entry in the Home Assistant log which says:

Error connecting to the Hue bridge at 192.168.x.y

Now the funny thing is that at that address I do not have a Hue bridge, but another Raspberry Pi. And I think I know why Home Assistant thinks that it’s a Hue Bridge. It’s because that Raspbery Pi is running a Hue bridge emulator (called HA Bridge), trying to expose some lights from another home automation system (Domoticz).

Now the question is: how do I tell Home Assistant to stop trying to connect to that “Hue bridge”?

Did you ever figure this out? I am geting the same error, but the IP is correct