Hi everyone. It’s several days, after a blackout that lasted a long time, I have been having problems with some integrations. They don’t update and they all give DNS connection errors.
I attach screenshots.
I have not encountered any other connection problems at home or any other errors relating to DNS.
I have HA Core 2024.11.3
Thanks to everyone
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Ive been having similar issues on my HA green as well. Really puzzling me. No idea how to resolve it other than reboot it every once in a while
Error requesting homeassistant_alerts data: Cannot connect to host alerts.home-assistant.io:443 ssl:default [Could not contact DNS servers]
5:19:03 PM – (ERROR) Home Assistant Alerts
Failed to connect to MQTT server due to exception: [Errno 98] Address in use
5:18:35 PM – (ERROR) MQTT
Error fetching 21045 allergy_outlook data:
5:17:43 PM – (ERROR) IQVIA - message first occurred at 5:17:42 PM and shows up 7 times
Giving up _async_request(...) after 1 tries (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorDNSError: Cannot connect to host www.pollen.com:443 ssl:default [Could not contact DNS servers])
5:17:43 PM – (ERROR) components/iqvia/__init__.py - message first occurred at 5:17:42 PM and shows up 7 times