Error doing job: Unclosed client session --- What is causing this?

I get this error EVERY time I restart HA. Anybody know what might be causing it? Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions?

Logger: homeassistant
First occurred: 1:48:45 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:48:45 PM

Error doing job: Unclosed client session

Have you find a solution for this?
I have the same problem… :frowning:

I don’t know. Maybe. I have no idea if or why this would be related, but it is very coincidental… I noticed I was also getting error logs about my Alexa integration already being logged in. So I looked at my Integrations page and noticed it was there twice. I took out one instance of Alexa, and both errors went away. Like I said, probably just coincidental. Any chance you are having the same issue?

Thanks a lot
Now i have solved my problem so the same stuff.

@Wes93 how did you solve this ?
I have the same error

I have deleted the Alexa integration, also from HACS, rebooted everything e reconfigured again


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same issue here.
No alexa in my setup.


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Exact same issue. No Alexa.

yep same problem here no alexa. cant figure it out either.

same issue here! Does anybody have a solving hint?

Same here, no Alexa… any tip is appreciated.

Same same…

Same here, no idea what has caused this. No recent major changes done. :thinking:

Error doing job: Unclosed client session

14:34:56 – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 14 September 2022, 18:48:40 and shows up 888 times

Error doing job: Unclosed client session

14:12:48 – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 14 September 2022, 18:44:34 and shows up 993 times

I’ve restored connection to some devices that were offline and the errors disappeared.
So in my case, it was probably caused by a Philips Hue Bridge being offline or a missing connection to a few Z-wave devices. I suspect the Philips Hue Bridge.

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Digging up an old thread. I’m getting hundreds of these messages every day in my logs, but (as you know) there’s little helpful info in the logs.

Would there be a way to trigger a stack trace (traceback) in the logs when generating that message to get an idea of what triggered it?