Error from removed integration

I had Meross integration installed in HA for some switches. From 0.109.x there was a problem with “translations” and some other stuff so I removed the integration with great difficulty. Right now although there are no entities of this integration I am still getting the following errors

Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.translation
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 9:51:33 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:51:33 AM

meross_cloud: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this

moreover the entity below is no longer available but HA is still looking for it

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 9:49:52 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:50:11 AM

Unable to find referenced entities

Is there something I could do about it?

The same problem. Can’t find solution.

there is a solution but it’s (very) difficult. for me at least. I manage to get there but I almost “brake” HA.
First of all I don’t know if you tried to remove it with 0.100.x version. if not try it first.
if you tried and didn’t manage it this is what I did.

my installation is in NUC with ubuntu.(supervised)

a. I stopped ha (with ssh = ha core stop)
through samba share I edit 2 files in .storage folder.

  1. the config_entries
  2. the entity registry file.

they are in json format which I don’t know anything. in these 2 files are the meross account (mail password etc & all the entities that are installed.

You should remove them (keep a back up) and try to to start HA (with ssh = ha core start)
here it was my problem. I had to try many times to delete these entries.
if you won’t delete them right, HA won’t start. but if you add the back up files it will.
hope you can manage it

*please don’t hold me responsible if something goes wrong

But I have no meross integration. I have sonoff integration. How do you understand that it’s meross problem?

Sorry I don’t know about sonoff. I guess it will be the same but I am not sure

I think my problem in HACS integration:

hacs: the ‘.translations’ directory has been moved, the new name is ‘translations’, starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this

HACS working fine after 1.0 version, but you could ask for support in their github I think

I solved this problem. Thank you. The problem was that I can’t upgrade HACS because it always run background process and upgrade button was disabled. I stopped it after changing options in Configuration - Integrations - HACS - options. After it I upgraded HACS and problem solved.

glad to here it!