Error in checking upgrading from 2021.06 to 2021.07


I checked my config with Check Home Assistant configuration addon before moving from 2021.06 to 2021.07 but I see an error in log that fails the check

e[31mFatal error while loading config:e[0m module 'base64' has no attribute 'decodestring'
e[01;37mFailed confige[0m
  e[01;31mGeneral Errors:e[0m e[31me[31m
    - module 'base64' has no attribute 'decodestring'

Can anyone support here?

Not without more information on your configuration.
Any idea where you are using what it is complaining about?

Sure. sorry.

Here’s my environment:

System Health

version core-2021.6.6
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
virtualenv false
python_version 3.8.9
os_name Linux
os_version 5.10.45
arch x86_64
timezone Europe/Rome
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
Github API Calls Remaining 4998
Installed Version 1.13.2
Stage running
Available Repositories 926
Installed Repositories 71
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in false
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 6.1
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2021.06.8
docker_version 20.10.6
disk_total 38.7 GB
disk_used 18.4 GB
healthy true
supported true
board ova
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons Samba share (9.5.1), AppDaemon 4 (0.6.2), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.8.0), Assistant Relay (0.7.4), ESPHome (1.16.2), Log Viewer (0.11.0), Valetudo Mapper (1.9.0), SSH & Web Terminal (9.0.0), AirCast (3.1.1), OpenTTS it (2.0.0), Visual Studio Code (3.5.0)
dashboards 8
resources 41
views 16
mode storage
api_endpoint_reachable ok

I checked for more info on the error but didn’t find any specific error related to HA.

decodestring is not in your configuration anywhere?

The Check Home Assistant configuration addon has been producing false positives for the last umpteen updates. It’s basically useless.

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There a valid alternative Tom? I know that I can restore a snapshot but I was wondering if there’s another way

Read through he breaking changes in the release notes and make any required changes before updating.

I read the changes and made the requirement (http for example).

I upgraded but now I cannot restart due to same error appeared in check config addon:

Fallita chiamata a servizio homeassistant/restart . module ‘base64’ has no attribute ‘decodestring’

@tom_l do you have any other tip?

EDIT: it was caused by a custom component.

Did you try raising an issue in their GitHub repo so that are aware?

No because I was running an old version and the latest one works as expected. Unfortunately this component is not on HACS.

I guess it is time to upgrade :wink:

Indeed. HACS was a big revolution and I stopped to manually search for updates. Unfortunately not every custom component is there at the moment.

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I meant upgrade HA and/or the binding to use a newer version without the issue. The only other way might be to dive into the PRs to figure out how to revert whatever broke it for you.

Oh sorry but now the issue is gone.

I firstly upgraded the custom component and now 2021.07 is working and rebooting with no issue.

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What was the custom component please? I can’t upgrade from 2021.6.6

Feedparser in my case.

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I have feedparser, I’ve just updated it and I’ll come back later when I have time (I’m on lunch) to upgrade.

Not the done thing to reply to your own posts, however, I must thank you @Jokerigno, you have provided me with information that fixed a problem that I have been struggling with for about 5 weeks.

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One is glad to be of service