Error in describing condition: e is not iterable

Trying to figure out why one of my automations isn’t working, I notice that all of them - including the ones that work - are displaying this message in the step details:

[Error in describing condition: e is not iterable]

So I guess that’s not the problem I’m after. But what is it and how do I get rid of it?

Try removing the 3rd e in the code that you shared…

Sadly we’re not mind readers (any more anyway, not after the last time we tried). Please share the YAML and any errors so we can see what you’ve done.

There is no “e” anywhere (that I can see). And I get this message for many automations, even ones I haven’t changed in a long time (not all, though, as originally stated). Oh, and I created them all via the UI, not as YAML code.

Here’s one, as an example:

alias: Badezimmerfenster Frostwarnung
description: >-
  Warnung, wenn es unter 0C ist und das Fenster im Bad länger als 5min offen
  - type: opened
    device_id: 8668f13c77a839cd3120fee49a572f29
    entity_id: c96638c7b97eade9bc412aba9968b435
    domain: binary_sensor
    trigger: device
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
  - condition: and
      - type: is_open
        condition: device
        device_id: 8668f13c77a839cd3120fee49a572f29
        entity_id: c96638c7b97eade9bc412aba9968b435
        domain: binary_sensor
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.arbeitszimmer_wetter_draussen_temperature
        below: 0
  - action: notify.notify
    metadata: {}
      title: Frost! Fenster ist noch auf!
      message: Fenster im Bad ist noch auf und es ist unter Null Grad!
mode: single

This is a reminder message to close the bathroom window if it was open for more than 5 minutes and it’s freezing outside. Works as expected, but when I check the trace, I see this:

Any idea where that message might be coming from?