Error in log due to Tradfri?

Hi all,

I have 2 tradfri motion sensors with bulb from IKEA without the tradfri hub as no logic is needed for both (in a closet under the stairs and a storage shelf).
Now I see this message constantly in my logs, and I wonder if I can suppress them there so they will not show up.

Logger: zigpy.application
First occurred: 12:43:23 (9 occurrences) 
Last logged: 20:03:24

Unknown device AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0x5A24)

I am running a sonoff zigbee usb dongle for other zigbee stuff. It must be picking up the signals I guess?

This is the motion sensor I use (Dutch link).
Motion sensor

I have the same error but I can’t figure it out to which device the error is referring to. How did you find it out?

Hi, I have 2 of them. Before they were there there was no error. Now there is :grin:
Supressing the warning should be fine for me. However that can only be done in the zigbee integration as far as I know, and that would be to general as I then could miss other warnings.