Error message when trying to install HACS

I am a total newbie to Home Assistant but I can follow instructions, even if I don’t know what they are doing. I have Home Assistant running on a Home Assistant Yellow box and can access it from the Home Assistant app on my iPad and on my MacBook. Every time I run the “wget -O - | bash -” command sequence ion a terminal window, I get the error message “get: connection closed prematurely” as shown in the screenshot below:

Can anyone please point me in the right direction to solve this problem - it is slowly driving me crazy!

Did you manage to fix this? I’m having the same issue.

Tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling HAOS, still have the same error.
Always seems to fail between 60 and 80%

Hello Joe,

Sorry, I’ve only just seen your post. I did eventually manage to get HACS installed but the only problem is that it was so long ago, I have forgotten how I solved it. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make any use the HACS integrations because I don’t understand, at a fundamental level, how all this is supposed to work. The whole Home Assistant thing is so un-intuitive to me that, even when I follow some users instructions to the letter and get some tiny thing to work, my brain just refuses to believe that there isn’t a much easier way to achieve the same thing.

I have programmed many things since the early 1980s, mostly successfully, and I thought that it shouldn’t be too difficult to learn Home Assistant. How wrong I was! The documentation available online is abysmal, often contradictory and seems to change every time a new version of Home Assistant is released. Anyway, not much use to you, I know.
