I am a total newbie to Home Assistant but I can follow instructions, even if I don’t know what they are doing. I have Home Assistant running on a Home Assistant Yellow box and can access it from the Home Assistant app on my iPad and on my MacBook. Every time I run the “wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash -” command sequence ion a terminal window, I get the error message “get: connection closed prematurely” as shown in the screenshot below:
Sorry, I’ve only just seen your post. I did eventually manage to get HACS installed but the only problem is that it was so long ago, I have forgotten how I solved it. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make any use the HACS integrations because I don’t understand, at a fundamental level, how all this is supposed to work. The whole Home Assistant thing is so un-intuitive to me that, even when I follow some users instructions to the letter and get some tiny thing to work, my brain just refuses to believe that there isn’t a much easier way to achieve the same thing.
I have programmed many things since the early 1980s, mostly successfully, and I thought that it shouldn’t be too difficult to learn Home Assistant. How wrong I was! The documentation available online is abysmal, often contradictory and seems to change every time a new version of Home Assistant is released. Anyway, not much use to you, I know.