Error mobile_app not loaded

As mentioned above, I was experiencing exactly the same issues as you detailed. I found this article late last night, tried it just now and perfect, all my default platforms and components load. I reinstalled the companion app and was able to set it up without incident. Hope it helps you. This article refers to beta testing, which I have not been involved with so just ignore that and follow the steps.

Hi Darren,

Thank you for the link but I did read that one as well 2 days ago.

The steps 1 to 9 are not relevant for me because I did a fresh installation, no integration, no entity prefixed by mobile_app, no .storage directory, no know_devices file, no nothing.
Steps 10 to 12 I already did but the mobile_app component is indeed missing from my HA configuration.

Why? Because it doesnā€™t start because cloud doesnā€™t start.
Why? This is where I am, not knowing why this damn cloud component is loading but doesnā€™t ā€œsetupā€ correctly even if there is nothing but ā€œcloud:ā€ in my configuration.yaml (or ā€œdefault_config:ā€ in my last attempt)

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Have you tried mobile_app: ? I donā€™t use default_config. You donā€™t need to add cloud either as mobile_app will load that as well.

Hi @Olivier1974 Could you just briefly describe your software/hardware setup. It sounds like youā€™re running Home Assistant on top of Linux or something similar. The logs seem to be saying that those components are trying to start but failing. I would guess you have dependencies which need updating.

@Olivier1974 I suppose this is the same issue:

The solution is to update libc6 or even to update to a more recent release of debian.
Or just forget about all that and install on hassos :wink:

Hi @TomBrien,

Indeed, Iā€™m running Hassbian on a Raspberry Pi 3.
Iā€™ll try the @olbjan solution to update libc6 and let everyone know.

Thanks for giving part of your time to solve my weird issue.

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Sorry the solution that worked for me didnā€™t work for you. Sounds like we have a slightly different setup. I am running on a raspberry Pi. I had a .storage directory so deleted the cloud and mobile_app files completely.

Hi guys,

I tried (which I donā€™t like because I canā€™t use my Pi to do other things like CUPS server, PiHole, ā€¦)
But it doesnā€™t want to install itself. It is filling the screen with strange IPv6 link Up/Down, plenty debug things, I donā€™t understand why (prior to even configure HA)

On the other hand, I tried libc6 unstable from @olbjan, removing default_config and adding mobile_app, but without success (I was not sure because my error is related to mobile_app/cloud component and not an error 500 from the server but it was worth a try)

As I gave a try with DuckDNS long time ago but without success either as my provider is blocking the NAT pinning (NAT loopback), Iā€™m wondering if a reliquate of certificate and/or python encryption library and/or something related is not the reason why I canā€™t put mobile_app without the cloud component.

Iā€™m on the way to investigate that as well.

Iā€™ll let you know.

Hello everyone,

I gave up. Sorry for who will try to find a solution to this problem in the future, hoping to find the post who will give the miraculous command to do so.
As hassbian is deprecated since October 2019, and because Iā€™m using HA since 0.56, I took this opportunity to install a fresh Raspbian Buster on a new SD Card, restarting from naked OS, naked HA 0.102.2 and it worked.

Iā€™ve spend almost my whole night redoing all my configuration but there it is, it is working now.
Iā€™ll never know what was wrong with the other setup. It is on a SD Card so I can bring it back to life for future reference :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for the help provided.


I got mobile_app working in python virtual env on raspberry stretch.
problem seems related to glibc version 2.25 is not installed in stretch.

check installed versions by command: strings /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ | grep GLIBC

I added repository ā€œdeb buster main contrib non-free rpiā€
then sudo apt update && sudo apt install libc6
check version again as stated above and verify that 2.25 is installed, no need to reboot, just restart home-assistant (service)

I removed buster repository after completion.

You know what would be better?
Not breaking shit after every update every week.

You need to consult your DOCS every week to watch television or operate your doorbell?

Good Grief Indeed!


Hi guys,

I just installed Home Assistant 3.13 on a RPi 3B, just added some Z-Wave devices (so not much config modifications) and have the very same problem.
Does anyone have a solution for me ?