Error on iPhone

I can log in op pc but I get this error on iPhone. I have had log notifications before but not like this am suspicious

It means that the app can not connect securely to your Home Assistant server.

How are you connecting?

Local ip address, Nabu Casa, other?

Have you filled out the external URL and Internal URL app settings?

Hi thanks for responding has been working on my phone for weeks then just stop

You did not answer any of my questions. But from the look of your screenshots you are only using the app on your local network. Is that correct?

Yes totally new to this only on local

Is the Internal URL correct. Should be http://<ha_ip_address>:8123

Yes has that ip

Some information login in on my tablet with the ip all ok. Logout and back in on iPhone don’t get the message but dash will not load and times out

I deleted the app and reinstalled all good now thanks for help