hi i use the Scotte Clock Card… after the last 1 2 HA updates it no longer works… i dunno if it needs fixing or if there is an error in HA i re redownloaed the Scotte Clock Card and reloaded but nothing and i get this error in the logs
Logger: frontend.js.latest.202305033
Source: components/system_log/__init__.py:257
First occurred: 7:35:15 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:41:23 PM
http://homeassistant:8123/hacsfiles/scotte-clock-card/scotte-clock-card.js?hacstag=32622389721011:1:25 Uncaught ReferenceError: Polymer is not defined
can someone tell me where i need to fix or request a fix?
guess i found out its been depreciated or the polymer what ever a polymer is and what a lit is i tried making an issue on github but the guy has no issues but wrote in the pull request… not sure what a pull request is either
Polymer and Lit are programming frameworks, making writing Javascript easier. Polymer was recently deprecated in HA. If a card still uses Polymer, it needs to be rewritten to use Lit or plain Javascript instead.
Well. That and considering that the last activity on this card was years ago, I think it’s safe to say that this project is dead and probably won’t be updated by its author (although it’s less than 100 lines of code and would probably take like 10 minutes to rewrite). Your three options are to either rewrite it yourself, to wait for someone else to do it (which may never happen) or to switch to a different clock card.